About Connie

Concepta McNamara, LMT

Mind and Massage

I grew up in Galway, Ireland. I have a joyful spirit and curiosity for life instilled by my father who lived until he was 92. I love working as a Massage and Reiki Therapist as well as a Life Coach. My greatest satisfaction and fulfillment is seeing a client transform from the inside out.

I have spent my entire adult life examining the complex interactions that people go through in order to achieve their life goals. Often, there are obstacles placed in the way of a person that prevents them from reaching the life they desire. These obstacles can take many forms. They can be emotional, physical and intellectual or a combination of these factors. I have found that one of the hardest things to do is to recognize what is preventing you from achieving your goals and then creating a path that allows you to overcome the obstacles that are preventing you from achieving the life you want to live. This is where I come in to your life. I will help you see what you need to do to achieve the life you want to live. I will give you the tools to allow you to enhance your life. Together, we can create the stepping stones to create the life you want to live. Wayne Dyer, the noted motivational speaker, has a phrase that I love because it really sums up all our lives, "do not die with your music inside you."

Through my life coaching practice, I encourage and support people to become more awake inside and to guide them to become the best version of themselves. I believe the combination of all three modalities can be a stepping stone to a new internal life.