My 21 Day Cleanse Experience

My 21 Day Cleanse Experience

By: Dr. Adrian Granite

I didn’t have many New Years’ Resolutions this past year. I told myself that I would read more for fun, as well as for educational purposes. I also vowed to write more. To this day, so far, so good! In addition to having resolutions, I decided to do a 21 day purification program. I did one once before and wanted to jump start the new year. My diet and exercise regime were off due to moving my office and I figured it would be a good way to get back on track.

People do many different programs to “detox” themselves. The one I chose was from the company Standard Process. The goal of the program is to cut out all of the garbage we put in our bodies on a regular basis and only take in healthy, nutritious foods. This meant no caffeine, alcohol, added sugar, gluten, soy, corn, eggs, or nuts. I may have forgotten a couple of things, but you get the point. Essentially, for the first 10 days, I only ate fruits and veggies and days 11-21, I included poultry and fish.

When I told people that I was doing this, they looked at me like I was crazy. “Why would I do this to myself?” “Oh, I need my coffee!” ” I could never do that!” This is what everyone told me. Prior to doing this cleanse, I would drink about 4 cups of coffee a day and enjoyed a glass of wine when I got home from work. I never once said to myself that I couldn’t do it.

After the 21 days were over, I felt amazing. My skin cleared up, my digestion improved, I have more energy and have gotten off of coffee. I guess this is what happens when you tell yourself that you can do something and stop finding reasons why you can’t succeed. While I learned more about my own health through this program, I think I learned more about what you can achieve when you stop creating obstacles for yourself.

A. Granite
A. Granite
Dr. Adrian Granite is a chiropractic physician serving the Greater Boston Area. His interests include injury treatment/prevention, evidence based practice, exercise and nutrition. With his free time, he enjoys spending time with his wife, traveling and reading.